(Bundle Of 2) Burcu Mayonnaise Top Down 550g [Expiry: 15/Sep/2024]
₱ 499.00
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(Bundle Of 2) Burcu Mayonnaise Top Down 550g
Burcu Mayonnaise is an incredibly versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Of course, it's the star of the show for many sandwiches, including BLTs and chicken salad. Mayonnaise also serves as the base for most of your favorite cold salads, such as macaroni salad, potato salad, and broccoli salad. Not to mention, it's the glue that holds deviled eggs together.
But mayonnaise may be even more versatile than you thought. It can also add moisture to a variety of baked goods, as well as add great texture and flavor to many other dishes that might surprise you.
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